As a Professional Software Engineer, I always try to push my limits. Ever since I was a kid, I would always try to seek out new projects and challenges to build and grow myself as a person/engineer. Through my experiences, I always seek to network with everyone along my journey, trying to understand the community around me and always offering help to those in need.
Looking for an opportunity to work in a full-time position to challenge my skills and experience in Software and Firmware and also grow myself as a valuable asset.
- Tools: C, MATLAB, Git, Simulink, Lab equipment,
- Algorithm optimization and development in C and MATLAB for multi-interfacing systems
- Develop, manage, and maintain system and software requirements in Dynamic Object-Oriented Requirements System (DOORS) for Radar and Sensor Integration
- Functional analysis and processing of real world and simulated test data from parallel running platforms
- Develop test plans, procedures and test cases for simulated and real world Systems level Integration
- Tools: C, C++, JIRA, RF Lab Equipment, Git, Agile/Scrum, JTAG
- Optimized APIs in C/C++ for the sleep/wakeup process which was improved by 20-30us, integrated changes to the RF LTE architecture leading to a performance increase by 0.5-1 dBm, and restructured data structures to be more memory efficient
- Root cause analysis on 50+ stability issues that was tracked with JIRA, debug and resolve with necessary code changes, and tested/verified to ensure issue is resolved
- Launched 3+ board bring-ups by validating codebase on simulated hardware to pre-production samples, performed LTE protocol stack tests with lab equipment to evaluate performance, and supported cross-functional teams processes
- Strategically identified and eliminated memory leaks, uninitialized data structures, and prevented segmentation faults in codebase
- Collaborated and communicated with multi-disciplinary teams within the overall modem organization
- Tools: SysML, UML, Data-analysis, Architecture, Management
- Analyzed and determined changes to the system/functions of the passenger pod
- Managed and organized documentation for thermal, electrical, fluid, and mechanical systems
- Partnered with fellow teams to understand requirements and changes of the sub-components/sub-system interfaces
- Processed black-box and white-box data from the pod for further analysis with fellow teams
- Tools: ATmega328P, C++, C, Debugging, PCB Design, Feedback Loops, Fabrication
- Engineered a custom Microfluidic device with C++ on an ATmega328P to stimulate Polymerase Chain Reaction for DNA at a lower cost and more efficient matter
- Programmed a temperature feedback loop to maintain a +/- 0.5 Celsius constant desired temperature on hot and cold sides
- Designed and developed a custom PCB with an ATmega1284 to replace the Arduino used for prototyping, to achieve an overall smaller and cheaper product
- Designed and fabricated acrylic chips for the PCR to channel through
- Dry and wet testing to verify correct heat transfer/spread and fluid speed within the acrylic chip
- Tools: JavaScript, Java, SQL
- Primarily utilized JavaScript and HTML in 90% of client’s websites
- Troubleshooted and resolved bugs on products
- Streamlined their security systems if support was required
- Maintained server stability with the client’s website and company’s server
- Researched and adapted previous solutions to apply techniques on future bugs/issues
NodeMCU ESP8266 Smart Home Devices
- Tools: NodeMCU ESP8266, C++, Alexa, PWM
- Implemented C++ code on a NodeMCU ESP8266 for smart lights and computer devices
- Utilized PWM signals to communicate to relays and servos to automate operations
- Modified Firmware and library files allowing the microcontroller to run optimally and quietly at the given clock speeds
- Fabricated projects boxes to safely store and condense electronics/wires
Simulated RISC-V Processor on Xilinx
- Tools: Verilog, Xilinx Vivado Studio
- Utilized Verilog to build and test/verify the simulated 16-bit RISC Processor in Xilinx
- Integrated Data paths for Data processing and Memory management controls with the 16-bit instruction set
- Instruction format was based on 4-bit Opcodes, 3-bit Registers, and 6/12-bit Offsets
- Tested with Xilinx Testbench and digital waveform to ensure correct inputs and outputs of the system
A local NAS controlled by a Raspberry Pi
- Tools: Raspberry Pi 4, Raspberrian, Linux, SSH, RAID, Samba
- Linux-based Network-Attached Storage (NAS) running on a Raspberry Pi 4 with an ARM Cortex-A72 to backup work and media files
- Devised RAID 5 configuration with 3 drivers for data redundancy within NAS to account for possible driver failure
- Samba networking file system for seamless file sharing between Windows, macOS, and Linux systems within the network
- Configured SSH security protocol for data transfers between two computers
A RF-based wireless PID controller.
- Tools: ATmega328P, C++, SPI, RF, LCD monitor, PID
- Programmed and assembled a RF controller used to collect and read data from the PID system running on an ATmega328P with C++
- Designed to read a temperature sensor from the PID with +/- 0.01 Celsius accuracy
- Tailored RF to 2.508Ghz at 250KBPS for maximum range/connection strength based on the specifications of the NRF24L01 module and our requirements
- Utilized SPI Serial communication for the LCD Monitor and RF communication between the PID and Controller
- Tested temperature readings with a cold plate and our heating element within the PID
A 3-finite-state machine with Bluetooth and Light sensor
- Tools: ATmega1284, C++, C, I2C, SPI, PWM, Bluetooth, Atmel Studio, AVR Programmer
- Implemented C code onto an ATmega1284 with an AVR Programmer as a bootloader
- Built Bluetooth and Light sensor controlled door lock, which approximated the user’s phone distance and current room lighting to automate the device’s locking system
- Locking mechanism will disengage when more than 500 lumens of light is present and Bluetooth connection is -50dBm or stronger
- Utilized I2C and SPI communication to read/write from Bluetooth and light sensors and PWM to operate the servo locking mechanism
A smart mirror to dispaly weather, date, time, and current news
- Tools: Raspberry Pi, Raspberrian, Linux, API, Fabrication
- Mirror that displays date, time, weather, and current news with an API running through the Raspberry Pi
- Utilized one-way acrylic to create mirror reflection and also allow the computer monitor to display information behind it
- Attached LED strips behind the mirror to light up a certain color based off the time of the day
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA
Sep 2016 - Mar 2021
Degree: Bachelor of Science - Electrical Engineering focused in Embedded Systems
- Embedded Systems
- Design and Architecture of Computer Systems
- Computer Vision
- Intro to Very Large Scale Integration
- Data Acquisition, Instrumentation, and process control
- Engineering Optimization Techniques
Relevant Courseworks:
- Tools: ARM, C++, C, Debugging, PCB Design, Latching design
- Construct and race an electric car against other schools around the United States (UCR Formula SAE Team)
- Create drivers for the Controller Area Network (CAN) Bus Communication on an ARM Cortex-M4 with C
- Improved design of Vehicle Safety Module with new Latching Logic for increased safety and sensitivity to voltage readings
- Tools: PCB Design, Circuits, Power Filter, Altium, ESD
- Construct and race a car against other schools around the United States (UCR Formula SAE Team)
- Researched on the ESD protection circuits for the boards and connectors
- Designed and Developed DC/DC Power Filter for the car
- Found sponsorship opportunities from companies to fund CitrusHack 2019 for prizes and speakers
- Reached out to Alumni and Notable figures to speak at CitrusHack
- Helped and volunteered the day of CitrusHack
- Found restaurants and beverage brands to cater foods/drinks to the students at the event
- Created and supervise workshops held during the event
- Hosted fun/relaxing activities and games for students to enjoy the day of
- Organized and managed people during the day of
- Educated children from the age of 5 to 15 about the fundamentals of engineering
- Lectured children about the basics of electrical engineering
- Worked on small projects with the students to show how it works in person
- Communicated with around 50 students throughout the day
- Helped and organized UCR cycling events throughout the quarter
- Maintained club documents/funding clearly to support events and merchandise we have
- Document notes throughout meetings in the club for future reference
- Promoted athleticism and healthy lifestyles across UCR campus with UCR Cycling